Thursday, November 27, 2008


When I first heard this name, I was thinking about some ugly creature. As I analyzed this word, I realized that it’s about a change that someone or something is going through. I didn’t want to read this story because it’s not something I would usually read, I’m not into those science-fiction books. When I started reading it, I didn’t start from the beginning because it was so long and I was not interested in reading it at all. But in order for me to understand what we would discuss in class, I had to read it. I did not like this story, it didn’t make any sense to me at first, then when I read on I was understanding the story a little bit more. Metamorphosis is a story about a boy named Gregor, who went to sleep and woke up as a bug. Turning into a bug did not bother him, it was missing work that was bothering him. His family was so dependent on him for everything that all he could think about was missing that day from work and wondering how his family was going to manage without him. After he turned into the bug, they treated him so badly. They didn’t think about all the times he went to work to bring home the money so they could have a better life. Sometimes people take things for granted, not realizing what they have in front of them until it’s gone. That’s what happened in this story, at the end, they noticed everything had changed drastically.

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